Gear Hire
The club currently has a range of kayaks for hire and associated gear; lifejackets, helmets, paddles and safety gear, as well as a fitted-out kayak trailer.
Click on the sections below for details, including how to hire and a map.
Those hiring gear for a private trip must be an active member for one year, or have gone on/or require a kayak for a club trip or training.
Current membership required to hire all gear.
Hire of Nelson Kayak Club gear and equipment is subject to hirers ability and experience being appropriate for their intended use. See Conditions of Hire.
Our River Kayaks
River Kayaks – Designed for;
Dagger RPM (x4) – River Running (our most popular kayak)
Liquid Logic Braap – River Running
Dagger RPM Max – (x2) River Runner for larger paddlers
Dagger Blast – River Running – small paddlers (smaller volume)
Bliss-Stick Huka – Higher Volume Rivers (Forgiving for beginners)
Perception Whipit – River Running
Liquid logic remix 69 (x2) – River Running (larger paddlers)
Prijon Samurai – River Runner / Play (small person)
Eskimo Kendo (x3) – River Running
Liquid Logic Hoss – River Runner / Short intro higher volume river boat
Pyranha 240 Migo – High Volume Rivers
Pyranha Everest – River Running (larger paddlers)
Our Sea Kayaks
Sea Kayaks :
Shearwater (x2) – Touring (Single), smaller cockpit, very stable (1) Yellow, (2) Orange, 480 cm long, 26.5 kg
Eco Bezhig – Single touring larger kayak, spacious and very stable, 540 cm long, 27 kg
Skua (x2) – Touring (Single), larger cockpit and very stable, 515 cm long, 27 kg
Necky Amaruk – Touring (Double), forward & aft hatches, Aqua, 540 cm long, 43 kg
Perception Eco-Niizh – Touring (Double with centre hatch) Red, 565 cm long, 55 kg
Dusky Bay Classic – Touring (Double), forward & aft hatches, Yellow, 544 cm long, 44 kg
Conditions of Hire
- A Current membership is required to hire all gear. See above
- Non-members must have a member responsible for the hire and activities of a non-member with Nelson Kayak Club gear.
- The Hirer accepts that use of the hired gear is AT THEIR OWN RISK and THE CLUB HAS NO LIABILITY for loss or personal injury.
- The Hirer accepts that any damage to or loss of hired gear beyond insurance reimbursement may be charged to the HIRER.
- Hirers accept and understand that the gear hire coordinator may screen hirers to ascertain a hirer has appropriate experience, knowledge and skills for the intended use during the hire period. The hire coordinator therefore has the right to decline any request for hire if they feel unsatisfied that a hirer is suitable.
- All hirers must be familiar with fitting spray decks correctly and be able to wet exit.
- Children under the age of 12 unless being instructed by a Club or qualified instructor cannot hire kayaks with spray decks due to the potential of not being able to wet exit. Therefore kayaks can only be used on flat water close to shore.
- Children over the age of 12 must be supervised and checked for their ability to wet exit before entering anything more than sheltered flat water.
- PFD’s must be worn at all times.
- Helmets must be worn at all times on white water and during surf sessions
River and single Sea Kayaks: $27 per day, (hire includes spraydeck, paddle, PFD, & helmet: as required).
Double Sea Kayaks: $45 per day, (hire includes 2x spraydecks, 2x PFDs, and 2x paddles: as required).
Extended Hire Special: (maximum 2 weeks hire) Hire for 3 days and get the rest of the week free (ie pay for 3 days, get 7 days hire). This special rate also applies to the extra associated gear as below.
Other Gear: Extra associated kayaking gear such as spraydecks, paddles, PFDs, helmets, paddle-jackets, booties, hothead skull caps, and throw-bags can be hired by arrangement at $3 per day for each item (For instance: a spare spraydeck with paddle, helmet and PFD together would be $12 per day; (for a week $36 = 3 days hire)).
The above rates are for members; non-Club members are charged at double the member’s rate for each kayak and/or item.
Trailer: All Members $10 per day, Non-members $40 per day.
Payment to: Make a direct credit to our bank account: 03-0703-0453735-00 or as discussed with the Gear Hire officer. Important: When paying by direct credit please make sure the details clearly identify who its from and that its for “Gear Hire”. Note: keys will not be issued until payment has been made.
Please read the “Conditions of Hire” above.
Non-Members Hire: ALL hire must be through a Club member. Members may hire gear for non-members that are accompanying them on a trip at the above non-members rate. Members are to act as guarantors and ensure the safety of non-members by supervising non-members in all aspects in the use of the hired gear.
Other special deals and/or conditions:
Beginner’s course participants: Members who complete our Beginner courses receive free hire for six weeks starting from their first pool session. The kayaks and gear must be booked through the gear-hire person who will have a list of course participants. At the end of the 6 week period, hirage will revert to the standard member’s rate. During the actual course kayaks and gear must be returned to the containers (or held by the course leader) between trips.
School bulk hirage:
Schools may make special arrangements to bulk hire the Club’s boats (either whitewater, seakayaks, or polo (polo complete with goals, balls, scorer, etc.)) at a special rate of $9 per single kayak or $15 for double kayaks per day, complete with the ancillary gear as above. Minimum bulk hire is for 3 days. Kayaks and all other gear hired by schools is charged at the same extended hire concession as above, i.e. “one week hire and pay for 3 days” per item as for members. For schools, extra equipment such as all the paddle-jackets in bulk are available at $20 per day along with the trailer at $10 per day. A surcharge of $100 handling fee may be charged for each session of bulk hire.
Extended Hire for Whitewater Kayaks:
A whitewater kayak can be hired for up to 2 calendar months at $150 per month (paid in advance) by members who have completed a river beginners course with the Club or an equivalent course with a recognised provider. Hireage includes spraydeck, paddle, PFD & helmet for the hire duration. All items and kayak must be itemised in a written contract and returned in good order on time. Overdue items will be charged at the full daily rate for each item. All hire gear is expected to be stored in secure covered storage between uses.
Damage: Any damage to gear or found on gear is to be reported to the Club’s gear maintenance officer ( as soon as possible so that repairs can be effected.
60 HOURS NOTICE REQUIRED or less if approved by gear hire officer.
As the club is run on a volunteer basis this is to ensure your booking can be completed in time.